The Surfboard Galaxy (Messier 108; NGC 3556) is located in the constellation Ursa Major and is 28.7 million light years from earth. It is magnitude 10.0 and an apparent size of 8.7′ x 2.2′. It is classified as a type SBbc galaxy – barred spiral with relatively loosely wound arms. The galaxy is estimated to have a mass of about 125 billion solar masses. It is thought to contain a medium sized black hole (24 million solar masses) at its center
Image capture:
Imaged with the Takahashi TOA-130NFB and QHY168c on 1/1/24. Attempted to capture M 108 together with the Owl nebula; however an error in camera rotation (+45 degrees rather than -45 degrees) caused the two objects to be near the top and bottom of the sensor with a small part of the Owl nebula cut-off. See the Owl nebular (M 98) for more details about the capture.
Image processing:
This is a crop showing only the Surfboard galaxy. See the Owl nebular (M 98) for more details about the processing.
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